Case Studies

Protection providers know just how vital platform technology is to their continued success and growth objectives, but re-platforming can be perceived as a risk. There are often years of tech debt to unravel, which can make a big bang launch unpalatable to some, who then look for another way. The best technology and the best
Case Studies

The Challenges Prior to implementing PreQuo Lead Gen, W Life Insure’s lead generation process was primarily tied to its mortgage business. This approach presented a significant limitation: protection products were offered mainly as an add-on to mortgage services, leaving the protection lead generation largely un-nurtured. One of the key challenges was the absence of an
Case Studies

Case Study Consumers are becoming ever more demanding when it comes to buying cover and managing their finances. They want to deal with providers when and how it’s convenient for them, and they expect any transactions to be simple and completed quickly. Deploying always-on digital services are no longer an option; they’re an expectation. More
Case Studies

InsureSight has provided Mortgage Intelligence with a platform to enhance its development offering to firms to springboard network growth and improve consumer outcomes. Click here to read the full story.
Case Studies

SolutionBuilder has provided SimplyBiz members with a portal that will increase the sales of protection policies, improve client engagement, and enhance the sourcing of high-quality suitable products. Click here to read the full story.
iPipeline Quarterly

BGA Buzz: Q2 2023 Issue
Looking for the Best e-Delivery Product on the Market? You May Already Have It! If you’re a BGA with a license for iPipeline’s e-SSENTIALS® package, you already have access to DocFast®, one of the industry’s best e-delivery solutions. Currently used by more than 22 carriers and 976 distributors in the U.S., DocFast helps you automate
iPipeline Quarterly

BGA Buzz: Q1 2023 Issue
Looking Ahead at Early Trends for 2023 Insights from the iPipeline Data Team Happy New Year – or better yet – Happy 1st Quarter of 2023! Here at iPipeline, we may not believe in Ouija boards, fortune tellers, or crystal balls to forecast our future, but we do believe in our data – and the
iPipeline Quarterly

BGA Buzz: Q4 2022 Issue
The Industry’s Continuing Challenge of DTC Insights from Bill Atlee, Chief Innovation Officer and Founder of iPipeline It’s the question we ask ourselves, every day: “What’s for dinner?” The cheapest (but most time-consuming) way to do dinner is to drive to the grocery store, toss the items in your cart, drive home, and cook your
iPipeline Quarterly

BGA Buzz: Q3 2022 Issue
We’re excited to share this inaugural issue with you! Each quarter, we’ll bring you the most up-to-date information about: • News from our carriers • Important updates on our products and product features • Helpful tips and tricks And ALL of it is specifically tailored for our BGA clients. Take a look and let us
iPipeline Quarterly

iPipeline Quarterly UK | March 2022
Case Studies

"Now We Know What's Slowing Us Down"- discoveries of an early adopting Carrier on InsureSight
Case Studies

The AlphaTrust e-Sign integration resulted in unexpected advantages for us.
Case Studies

Underwriting and policy delivery digitization removes barriers to purchasing with individuals put off by time-consuming and complex life insurance buying activities.
Case Studies

Being informed and knowledgeable are two key components of the business paradigm at Premier Brokerage.
Case Studies

Prudential's businss case for implementing DocFast revolved around speed, experience, scalability and flexibility.
Case Studies

ASSURITY iPipeline and Assurity – A Comprehensive Look at Our Partnership
Case Studies

Speed and accuracy are critical during the open enrollment period for Medicare Supplement.
Case Studies

CTO Charlie Allen discusses the unexpected advantages of integrating AlphaTrust e-Sign
Case Studies

An Interview with ELCO Mutual Life and Annuity
Case Studies

Laser App Software is a leader within the industry and has a broad outreach to ¬financial advisors.
Case Studies

As a leading IMO providing our 15,000 agents nationwide with the latest in technological innovations...
Case Studies

As a life insurance brokerage, we take great pride in providing our brokers with the ultimate products and tools needed to simplify the complexities of the life insurance market. iSolve is an innovative and powerful tool, which will save our brokers a lot of time and enable them to close more cases rapidly and efficiently.
Case Studies

Digital transformation is a critical component of the continued success of our industry.
Case Studies

As part of Lincoln’s commitment to helping individuals achieve their financial goals...
Case Studies

CASE STUDY As a leading IMO providing our 15,000 agents nationwide with the latest in technological innovations, we are always searching for the next ‘game changer’ to help our agents streamline their business, save time, and gain a speed-to-market advantage. iSolve makes the task of researching and quoting multiple carrier perm products a simple, accurate